Therapy is tailored to the needs of each client, and sessions are based on what you need.


People have the power to heal within them; my role is to hold a sacred safe space and facilitate the reconnection with Self.



What are Expressive Therapies?


Clients are invited to share their stories and feelings through talking, role playing, drumming, acting, spontaneous art creation or play, creative writing, journaling, dream journaling, working with clay and other media in the studio.


This may feel uncomfortable at first for some people, as many people lack confidence in their art making ability. Clients are invited to direct the usage of their session time and suggest how they would like to approach their healing. At other times, I will offer suggestions or prompts.


In Expressive Therapies, the art and play are communicative tools. In time, many are able to enjoy the process and appreciate the insights and healing that can result.


Art, like love, is a universal language; transcending words. A magical resource for people of all ages and abilities!

The Therapy Space

Above is the throwing corner; an electric wheel and a kick wheel are available.

Below is a photo of Expressive Arts Studio crafting space.