A message to LDA's and Adoptees

"I just found out I'm adopted."

Chances are, if you've found your way here you are an adoptee, a late-discovery adoptee, or someone whose life has been affected by adoption. Here, you will find adoption information and resources.


For more on this topic, please see my website:


What does LDA/NPE mean?

LDA stands for Late-discovery Adoptee, and NPE stands for Non-Paternity Event or Not Parent Expected. LDA/NPE's share a few commonalities with adoptees in that they are both: adopted, experience similar processes of grief and loss, and face issues related to search and reunion. The key difference: is that LDA's and NPE's learn of their adoption later in life. Most have been deceived or lied to for large portions of their life. This deception and delayed processing adds layers of trauma, loss, betrayal, identity confusion, and disorganization upon learning the truth.



Every adoption story is unique

Every story is unique. Adoptees and LDA/NPE's may have been raised by one birth parent, some were adopted by members of their extended birth family, and some were adopted by both parents in a traditional "stranger adoption." Others may have lost their birth parents in death. Still others may have spent years in foster care.

What is unique about the LDA/NPE experience?

While both adoptees and LDA's share many of the same issues such as: the loss, grief, identity, attachment, and reunion issues. There are some factors that are unique to LDA/NPE's - this site will offer support that is specific to their needs also.


What binds LDA/NPE's together is the deception regarding their origins, and the consequences of that deception. Some have asked me to specify an age would one need to be at time of "discovery" for them to be considered an LDA/NPE. I don't believe there is a specific age, and probably every LDA/NPE would answer differently. Rather than getting hung up on that, I will say this: if this definition resonates with you, I hope you feel supported here.